Sunday 29 September 2013

What Remains Script To Television Analysis


The first scene has changed to start, The script reads that MELISSA is walking down a pavement. This is not the chase in the final edit she starts inside the flats. I think they took out the pavement scene in order to keep a creepy vibe and making the mise en scene a mystery to fit the tone of the show that also applies to the names of the tenants not being shown.

Here the writer wanted the front door to swing shut. This was not in the show episode. I theory to why was because it seemed too cliche and horror like, the audience will have gathered that the show is a murder mystery by now so adding the super natural event like that doesn't fit the genre or tone.

In the episode the paragraphs from after she enters the loft in the script are cut out, Instead the episode simply has her appearing in the loft and looking around and one final hello. Then it cuts to the title. This is done because it retains the mystery element and lets us see less than needed. Having her venture into the loft would drag on and be an anti climax when here it retains the values. And once more like previous shots would add a super natural feel to the story.

This bit of dialogue was cut out of the episode and replaced with a more simpler "are you alright" and "yep" This was done probably to not over tell the story and give us a useless fact. The disabled bay does come into the story later on but is explained then. So there is no need to do it twice.

In the script there is no mention of shots of Melissa's house from the inside. We only are meant to see the knocking at the door, I feel like these shots from inside the flat were added to let the audience know that it was her flat she is knocking at not just any old flat.

In the script they order the scenes different to what we see, but in the script Micheal and his Mate are meant to be kneeling over an unseen object. In the show they are standing, this changed I feel because it depicts how you would truly act. If you saw a corpse you would distance yourself from it instead of get closer to it.


  1. Good work. Did you share ideas with Ollie - yours and his are quite similar (which is fine).

  2. We worked with each other and exchanged few and points yes
