Tuesday 22 January 2013

Product Pitch (Research and Justification

Pot Noodle Logo

Product Pitch

Pot Noodle is a instant noodle that only requires hot water to make. It has problems and controversy due to the health issues but has attempted to re marketed and kickoff by  making a new range of adverts and bringing a new audience, Pot Noodle has a target audience of young males/females. Due to how quick and easier it is to make, The adverts for Pot Noodle reflects this with adverts containing references to young peoples interests and including modern humor for example the video below.

This advert is aimed at a younger audience by the type of humor used. And the activities that take place within the advert. To solidify my point, Pot Noodle had another advert that had the same target audience, the Ad is called "The Slag Of All Snacks" and refers to Pot Noodle being the sexiest snack making itself better than other foods. Using sex is a good way to sell your product because it appeals to the whole male audience and some females. Making your product sexier than everyone Else's immediately gives you a massive edge. There new campaign focused on the motto "Why try harder" this is to bring a sort of hope to people, saying that there product is easy to use for anyone.

My New Target Audience

  • To re market Pot Noodle I want to widen the market to a older age group and or younger, adding the health side to it to increase popularity in a older market, To do this I could add more nutritional information In the advert. I would like to keep the same target audience as before because it is key to the successes of the product. It would be challenging to re market to a new audience because of what the product is. I would like to reel in a newer audience because then the company would obtain more money than before it I would have make a advert tailored to both audiences. This would be difficult because both audiences like different things.
  • You can build a audience profile to which you can get information what your audience in the genre like, this can range from other programmes of our genre they watch. From this information you can plan how you distribute your advert on what channels and times for example Pot Noodle is aimed at single students/young males and females so advertising Pot Noodle on E4 when skins is on is better than Coronation Street etc. In doing this you can classify your audience on their profession, students and Pot Noodle.

Individual Planning

Research and Justifications,

Audience information, To gain information on a target audience or a audience in general. You may have to use different methods to gather data. Audience measurement panels and broadcasters or audience research board (BARB) Audience Panel is where you gather information about a audience by asking a panel of that set audience. BARB allows you have information about the official figures on UK television, you can use this to work out where you want your advert to shown and what your audience watches. Also you can use ratings on BARB to work out what ratings certain channels or programmes get and by what gender etc. Doing face to face interviews or focus groups is a great research because you get real on the spot responses unlike questionnaires where people may answer what they think you may want to hear. For my product I will gather information about my target audience and what they watch to workout where to distribute my product and show my ad.

Sources of Information, Rates cards and information pack from advertisers. And using research agency websites. Rate cards are a document containing prices and descriptions for the various ad placements options available in a media outlet Information packs sometimes called Seller's packs are a group of leaflets and documents telling advertisers what rules to follow when advertising. I will have to follow rules to successfully make the ad worthy and edible

Audience classification, Working on demographics and psychographics is key,working out what your target audience wants will assist you in working out what to market your product as. Tailoring your product by knowing your demographic will appeal more to them. geographic Is where you focus your marketing to a certain place on the globe to make the viewers get a familiarization with the product. Working out what my demo/psychographic is Will help my tailor my advert to that audience, for example my products target audience is young males/females 15/25. Students mainly so adding related humour and reference to that age group will be top priority. You classify audiences because you can then build your advert around that audience.

Regulation, Advertising standard authority(ASA) protect a younger audience from explicit content, Make sure adverts are legal,decent,honest and true. Ofcom do the nearly the same thing, they are a independent regulator and competition authority for the
UK communications industries. BCAP is a company that's main focus is to main aim is to support ethical sides to adverts and making sure it is ethically right and has no discrimination. Considering if you are discriminating anyone would be one of your main aims when making a advert. Looking at my target audience and type of ad I which to create I want to make sure it is child friendly and can be viewed by all ages.

Sources Of Information

My Advert Proposal

My advert has the same target audience as the previous Pot Noodle Ads, Aimed at young males/females. And I am going to maintain the theme of modern humour. It would start with a normal day where someone has just woken around 11am, over his bed would be a men who would start telling him about how he missed breakfast. He would go on to say you like pots? how about noodles? and throw one at him.


  1. Ben,

    You have covered most of the terms required to hit GC1 (along with your presentation) but you are missing two that need to be addressed; programme profiles (building up a picture of who the target audience is for a certain show - think back to Woman in Black marketing Prezi) and S.O.C (classifying audiences according to their profession).

    Also, if you want to aim for higher than P1, you MUST add more detail like specific examples and links to current media practice. For example, you have mentioned psychographics but you haven't said what they are or why you would classify audiences/people in this way. Do this throughout (and add the missing terms) to aim for the higher grades.

    Well done,

    Also - check your work before submission, there are a lot of little spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors dotted through the work (I particularly like the idea of you needing to make your advert "edible").

  2. No changes made - very disappointing.

