Monday 17 March 2014

Single Camera Production Diary

27th January 2014
Today our group all sat down and talked about the different scripts that we liked and started to find one we could do. It was tough but we decided to go with "The Shining Thames" Which was written by me. We chose this because of the challenge it offered us as filmmakers.

29th January 2014
Today,  we had a story boarding hick up, we are getting back on track and running all plans with each other in order to not have anymore hiccups. Tomorrow I think we may look at potential locations to shoot.

30th January 2014
Two of our members heading out to Yarmouth today and took some location photos so us story boarders back at base could workout shots. The shoots and locations were perfect. Story boarding was a breeze after this.

31st January 2014
Today was the ending of the story boarding and pre-production paper work and now we look to shoot in a few days after we have double checked the pre-production work.

4th February 2014
Today we began shooting, we headed off to Reedam train station with the full cast and crew. Minus Ryan. He stayed at base and decided to work on a  title sequence.

10th February 2014
With one full scene currently edited together we would of liked to shoot more but we had a cast absence due to illness so it has set us back a few days.

12th February 2014
Yet again we had issues with cast being ill still. This was another set back but we keep on pushing forward. Today we shoot the murky water stock footage using a bowl and a lot of paper towels, messy to say the least!

24th February 2014
We had a week off due to the college holidays, we were raring to shoot once the term restarted but sadly we hit another set back. One of our key cast members dropped out of the production meaning all the train station shoots are going to have to be re shot. This is a blow but we will get this down! Besides our stock footage and time lapses are still usable!
26th February 2014
Today we were back to fighting form. We forget the past and went on to shoot a scene with a new cast member replacement, We will get this done!

3rd March 2014
Sadly, even though we are behind. We had two illnesses again. We have a rough cut, but hopefully we can continue to shoot!

4th March 2014...
At long last everyone was here to do the shoot! We shot another scene bringing us closer to completion. Good vibes around as we have to keep ourselves motivated.

5th March 2014
We had a tough scene today. We shot the scene in which our characters find the diamonds. A lot of traffic and general disturbances but yet again we got another scene filmed. One of our group stayed back at base to edit what footage we have in order to catch up effectively.

6th March 2014
Today we reviewed all of footage thus far. We worked out how happy we are and if anymore re shoots have to be done. We are happy and it looks all good. Making some progress now.

10th March 2014
We came in to a an error with our macs as not enough space was allocated for us to shoot some more. Which was tough because to stop this we had to export a finished scene and delete the raw footage in doing so.

11th March 2014
We went out today and filmed our second from last scene before all shooting would be completed. Can't wait till completion!

14th March 2014
We finally finished all the scenes! We finished the last scene today and it felt great! Cheers all around. We headed back to base, uploaded the footage and edited the one scene as all the others have already been done and we exported our short film "Tracks" Good comeback and great team. We did it.

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