Wednesday 3 October 2012

Continuity Project "Dave!" 500 Word Evaluation


500 Word Evaluation

Name of Project - "Dave!" 

My role within my group was camera man/director. I found being this role good experiance. Doing smaller short films in the past I took what I learnt from them to this project combined with my new found knowledge that I have learnt through the induction booklet.
my favourite part of my piece was the door to table cut that looked fantastic on viewing.

This is the medium shot of Lewis entering the room that stays until he falls into the cut in the second shot. to maintain the continuity

This is second medium shot of Lewis falling into the next shot to maintain continuity which was the resulting shot that flowed nicely when viewing

And this is the resulting close up shot from the previous that on viewing flowed really nicely.
 As for other good points in our piece,
  • The acting was good and the characters was made clear especially by Lewis and his drunken act
  • It all flowed well between shots and the pacing is clear.
  • At the end, the useful use of the glass in the door frame was clever, making use of what we had
  • The match on actions were really good from when he went from infront of the door to the match on action of him entering
As for my least favourite part of the piece. it was a continuity error between two shots there was a few more mainly the tight space when filming.
This close up shot as you can see Lewis has his finger pointing towards Matthew
And this is the Reestablishing shot where it goes wrong, in the next frame Lewis's hand is down by his side.
Throughout filming a lot of things when smoothly, for starters we all agreed on the plot of our piece and agreed with the angles and we made sure we knew what we were going to do before we even had a camera
one thing we could not work out and know when planning our piece was the room we would film in. and sadly our room was very small not allowing a huge amount of movement of the camera. But we made best use of the space.
As for what we could improve on,
  • On the last shot the back light was too bright
  • No fades in or outs
  • Equipment (tripod) wasn't tightened properly
  • At one point Matthew broke the fourth wall and looked at the camera.

If you wish to, you can view the full video and see if you agree with my points.

1 comment:

  1. Ben,
    A good start for the year; some good points are made and you have included images that exemplify those points very well. I would like, however, to see a more comprehensive use of media language, you mention flow which is excellent but you could then add how a 'match cut', for example, created that flow. Go back through and add terms at any available opportunity.
