Thursday 4 October 2012

DepicT! Project Production Diary

4th October 2012
Today we talked over our ideas and we settled on an idea about a bench. We are still
working on what will happen to this bench but that will be decided on next lesson.

5th October 2012
we changed our ideas a little by including a chase sense but keeping the idea of a bench, we talked over how we could use the bench to add a comic feel to the production and we settled on making the bench and non living object have a human role within the piece that stops a criminal and gets rewarded.

7th October 2012
We all settled on the idea, then we went over the different camera shots and angles we would use ready for when we storyboard it next time we meet.

9th October 2012
Today we started and finished our story board deciding on a location and camera angles. and what music we would use which is Foreign Beggars - typhoon. we are working to see if the music is uncopyrighted.

10th October 2012
today we split up, Joe and Anthony went and did a recce on the location where we will be shooting "local hero". I stay in a worked on re typing the shot list and completing our risk assessment and sending our emails to the local police to get permission to film

11th October 2012
Today we went back to the location where we wanted to film and decided and practice our shots and also go into the shop and got a permission location release to film there.

12th October 2012
Today we went to location and do a few practice shots, working out what angles we would use etc to prepare use for Monday were we would be filming

15th October 2012
Today we started filming, we done around 1/4 of our piece due to the pace of our film the shots had to be spot on, I fear we may have strayed little from the storyboard though and tommrow we might not film due to the split in our double lesson.

16th October 2012
Today we finished filming and put all our clips on the macs ready for editing tommrow.

17th October 2012
We continued to edit and we edited up to the point that we needed to film the rest to continue.

18th October 2012
we finished out piece completing the last couple of shots ready to be edited in

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