Thursday 29 November 2012

Roles Of The Distributor

The distributor roles within the media, The distributor develops a distribution plan in consultation with all the producers and studio. They work out when to release a film to optimise its chances through combination of market knowledge and commercial experience, They also have to work out how much estimated the film will earn. The whole distribution plan itself can sometimes can be worked out completely when the film is finished and ready to view. The research for the distributor campaign can be conducted by doing test screening and it is important to them to not lose sight of the films core target audience by stray towards another one.

The average film goers go with a average of three in a party and average between 15-25 years old and it a favourite out of home leisure activity. and only a quarter of the whole population go to the cinema. And the average person goes to the cinema 2.7 times a year. The distributor trys to make sure the film is a good as it could be so that more infrequent cinema goers and repeat visits. Many infrequent cinema goers don't tend to go on opening weekends but go later on. Adding pressure to the distributor to sustain a run in cinemas.

Competition is always primary to the distributor, working out what films are going to be released at the same time during the weeks in which the film is in the cinemas. They look for specific periods in which they is a lack of a certain film for example if there is no 3d film in the cinemas then during a school holiday you would release a 3D children's film.

The distributor has to work out whether the film has a prospective mass market or a blockbuster or for a discrete audience. Working out on whether a certain member of the cast has a few successes lately to add to the tag line and made me prompt when marketing and distributing. Will the movie lead to media reviews that can be critical to the films success? Is the film made for hope to get nominated for a award, is a a contender for a awards such as Golden Globe, Academy Awards etc. Is there a buzz about the film? are many people talking about it? working out a online strategy and what to do that will draw in a buzz is the film based on a controversial topic that might start a buzz. A key factor for the distributor is working out what certificate the film will have, keeping in mind that the lower the age rating the more people that can go see the film but it limits what you can include in the film.

To satisfy the anticipated demand of the public films are released in different ways mainly films are released at 1,000 screens simultaneously deployed usually as 'tentpole' titles. Large scale sequels or a star led holiday releases, help accommodate mass audiences eager to see a film in the earliest opportunity. To contrast with that, specialised films offer a different cinematic experience. It may be played in selected locations where local audiences are known to favour such titles before potentially touring more widely in subsequent weeks. London, with a huge diverse population of 7.5millionpeople makes up about one quarter of the UK cinema admissions, although 15% of the screens are situated in the capital

Trailers, Distributors usually have a range of audio-visual content to work with as they prepare campaigns include film clips that have been approved by the producers to make sure the clip doesn't give away too much. Trailers are claimed to be the most cost effective marketing technique out there and it is shown. By captivating the audience with trailers starting a buzz. Full trailers that are released around short before the movie is released are usually 90 seconds and are naturally aimed to sell the movie to the public. Hences why you see the best bits in the trailers before the release. In itself trailer making is a art of film making and requires a whole different view on it. The distributor fund is mainly used in the production of trailers a wide release will often have 2,000 copies circulated to cinemas.

Online and mobile. The Internet plays a pivotal role in shaping many cinema goers perceptions of new releases. The web helps distributors start building awareness of a new film at an early stage. Post snippets, images and teasers seeding a interest among fans. Film clips are among the most searched content available across many sites. The film distributors websites direct traffic to exhibitor sites where tickets may be purchased on line.

Every film has a detailed marketing plan to follow. The marketing objective is to create visibility to raise awareness and engage interest, cutting through the blizzard of competing messages. Distributors must complete significant share of voice not only against other distributors but also other leisure activities. Word of mouth and social remediation is key to making a film a success. Word of mouth bring in a strong interest and high awareness. Negative word of mouth however is very difficult to overcome. When constructing a campaign distributors aim to reach as much of their target audience as possible, as frequently but cost effectively as possible.

The poster the main image of artwork distilling the appeal and positioning of the film. The stars and tag lines bring in the audience there are usually dozens of posters made and displayed and the designers must work hard to make sure theres stand out from the rest. Teaser posters are made to wet the appetite of the audience while main posters show the genre and title and story. Understanding your target audience, age group or gender but also life styles involves many decisions on how the film is being promoted.

The Internet being a two-way street, the moment a film is screened comments are shared instantly and constantly around the world and opinions are swapped etc. Not just opinions, but content too, can spread virally like wildfire via facebook and twitter which have millions of participants.


  1. This is a pass for GC1 of Unit 1 but not a merit. When you begin discussing marketing the importance of the poster is vital and is where you should start. You need to show that you can categorise and sort the information - eg one part is about the distribution plan and another about the marketing plan. Where does the second part begin? Have another look at this in the improvements window.

  2. ...Other work you have done (on the research itself) brings you up to a merit on Unit 2 M1 but you should have another look at this if you decide to go for the distinction.
