Sunday 24 March 2013

News Programme Openings Sequences

BBC News 24 Opening Title Analysis;

The opening sequence starts with a count from 24 downwards. They are using the countdown from 24 because the program is News 24, this solidifies the name and makes you remember. It begins in a car workshop and last around 5 seconds, this could be the program telling us that we create/control the news and manufacture the data into the news stories. At time frame 0.04 we see a shot at a football match now this could infer the idea that there reach/audience is connected especially strengthens my point when all the crowd reacts at the same time showing the sense of community and bond that keeps us all together and the connotation to community and friendships is trust giving these shows a deep meaning of the news program saying "you can trust us" At around 0.07 you see a rollerblading jump over the camera in slow motion. This infers the seems of spectacular and how epic and amazing the news is and especially News 24. After the rollerblading you see cranes and a construction site to connotate the idea of building and creating, after these shots you see the football match again but this time they are all cheering. This could mean that News 24 are trying to say that they are building communities and bringing people together from the shot before. After it cuts to sped up shots of the workshop and of industrial workers with massive boats. The speed of the shots shows how hectic and the urgency of the News 24 and the large boats shows the scale and how big the new news is. The next shots show offices and workplaces and the car manufacturing facility showing the urgency of the work the News 24 do. Implies the News is fresh and urgent. Throughout the track you hear a beeps that slowly increase in volume to imply and infer the idea that as the countdown starts and the footage speeds up the news stories are coming in and about to begin, as the countdown ends you hear one loud bang then cuts straight to the shot of the reader. The music/soundtrack throughout the whole starting sequence is starts soft and slowly increases with more emphasis on the bass

The news reader is wearing formal wear and solid colors that are easy on the eyes. This could be to make it easy for the listener/watching to not get distracted from the news and also adds the how serious the news is, you can't have variations of colors it doesn't fit the serious tone. The color of the theme of BBC News 24 is a red color and the presenter has worn a red tie with his suit to reinforce the cooperate image. The news reader is speaking in standard English with a certain degree of sophisticated lexis but his language is choice is very higher lexis orientated. As for facial expressions he uses blank and shows near no emotions to show the impartiality to the news.

The mise en scene of the set is formal, and uses the color red to reinforce the brand name and the identity of BBC News 24. The colors are metallic and slick to show how modern they are. The background shows a workplace with lots of computers to give the sense of scale of the operation and importance of there jobs. The camera pans out far enough for the viewer to see the camera equipment this allows us to see the amount of equipment required to make the news program giving the technology aspect.

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