Saturday 13 April 2013

News Values

News Values



1. North Korea and information about missiles
2. Margaret Thatcher Funeral 
3. Organ Donor Increase In Donors
4. Tony Blair
5. American Gun Law Restrictions
6. Rape/Sexual Violence In Somalia
7. Cyprus Bail Out Needing More Money
8. Goal Line Technology
9. Golf  US Masters Catch Up

The news broadcast I will be using for this task is the BBC news at ten on Thursday 11th April 2013. Galtung and Ruge had a famous twelve news values that they said every news broadcast needed. These values decided whether a news story was worthy of getting into the broadcast, because there are millions of potential stories everyday but only the best of the best are chosen. Galtung and Ruge said that each of the stories you see broadcasted will have one of their values.

Galtung and Ruge News Values;

1. Frequency - an event has to fit in the cycle/tempo of the news broadcast therefore cannot be out of place for eg. a fast and urgent story will not be in the same broadcast as a story of a slow development.
2. Threshold - the size of the story or the bigger the advent will hinder how likely it is to appear in the news
3. Unambiguity - a story has to be simple and easy to understand you never want the viewers to struggle when watching your broadcast.
4. Meaningfulness - a story has to have meaning for the target audience, the audience of a ten o'clock news will be older so having more mature stories is adding meaning.
5. Consonance - If an event fits in with the expectations of recent journalists or newspapers it is more likely to appear.
6. Unexpectedness - stories that people don't see coming for example, "dog bites man" is predictable and ordinary not major but "man bites dog" is weird and unexpected
7. Continuity - If an event/story appears on the news it is more than likely to appear again at some point.
8. Composition - The structure of the broadcast, balancing the variety and type of  story whether serious or not serious
9. Elite Nations - Some nations are more powerful than others globally making them "Elite" First World countries and countries in the northern hemisphere are more likely to be on the news.
10. Elite Persons - Elite persons ties in with the elite nations, if an individual is famous/well known stories about them will be broadcasted although it may have happened to one hundred people like you and I
11. Personalisation - If a story can be told from the point of view of an individual it will strike the hearts of the viewer than a story from a larger point of view, example a hurricane affected 1,200 people or A story of a woman looking for her child strikes at our hearts making the story more relatable and also makes it seem like a narrative.
12. Negativity - Bad news makes the best news. Disasters make the news more than happier incidences because they fit the dramatic style of the news.

Galtung and Ruge within the broadcast I watched;

1. North Korea Missiles - This news story contains frequency because it has been occurring for a long time but also is urgent because we could be on the brink of death. It has threshold because a nuclear war and the size of North Korea and the possibility of war is a  massive deal. Unambiguity is up to the viewer how you look at the story. It is a complex story but can be put simply put that there is a potentially threat. The story has meaningfulness because it can affect the whole population. The story has a strong presence of Consonance because all you see in recent journalistic materials is about North Korea and America. It contains continuity and unexpectedness because of the size of the story it has appeared more than once and it is unexpected because we hear about the war in afghanistan and we do not expect it to be so close to home. And finally the story is Elite Nation and is very negative. The reason I feel that this story was put at the start of the programme was because it ticks many boxes and has almost all the news values. This proves that Galtung and Ruge theory is correct this far.

SOURCE - Parliament/Army/Air Force

2. Margaret Thatcher's Funeral - This story has Threshold because of how popular/unpopular Margaret Thatcher was. The story contains unambiguity because it has no complications. It is meaningful because of the following she had and has consonance because her death has been spread throughout all of the newspapers. It is about the planning of the funeral therefore will be featured later on down the line making continuity. The story contains an elite person and although it is a death/funeral I would not classed under negativity
SOURCE - Parliament/Royalty/Government

3.Organ Donors Increase - This story contains much less values than the others thus far, it has unambiguity because of how simple the story is "More people are donating organs" It contains a slight sense of unexpectedness because many peoples opinions on donating organs are strict. It shows composition for the first time showing a medical story on the news.
SOURCE - Other Emergency Services

4.Tony Blair Warning Labor To Change - It is a fairly big story adding threshold because it could been seen as an actual threat at labour. It is fairly unambiguous because you can clearly make sense of what Tony Blair is trying to say to labor. It is unexpected because it is hard to imagine Tony Blair still caring after resigning a while ago. It contains an elite person and it has personalization because it is about Tony Blair saying not a few mp's  
SOURCE - Social Media/Parliament

5.Gun Restrictions Laws - It is a massive story because guns in the US are a massive problem so threshold is present. It is unambiguous and has meaningfulness with the audience because many person may have been affected by gun crimes. The is a positive out of a negative because gun crime is a problem but the story was about securing a debate about creating stricter gun laws meaning this story also will have continuity and personalization because they featured a clip from a person affected but gun crime and how it affected him. Add composition to show a worldwide story instead of strictly UK
SOURCE - Police/Social Media/Diary Events

6.Rape/Sexual Violence Needs More Attention - This goes slightly away from the frequency of the previous topics and stories but still include negativity. It has high threshold and unambiguous. It contains strong sense of meaningfulness towards the public because meaning different people are affected by sexual violence. it adds composition to the news broadcast and personalisation because it featured a story of a girl in africa to hit the viewers hard. And of course it is a negative story.
SOURCE - Other Media

7.Cyprus Bail Out / Eurozone Issues - It fits the frequency of the broadcast and is a fairly high threshold. It is tough to understand because it is about money and technical words are used but they are simplified by the announcer. It has slight meaning if your family lives in Cyprus it isn't unexpected because it had been mentioned before adding continuity. It compositions the different types of stories this one being about the economy.
SOURCE - Diary Events (g8 summit)

8. Goal Line Technology - This doesn't fit the frequency of the broadcast so far because it is more positive and isn't urgent but it is however good news. And as the broadcast is coming to a close good news is needed to leave a positive message. It has consonance because this topic has been talked about for some time. It has high threshold because they will massively affect football as we know it.
SOURCE - Government Sources/Social Media


To summarize, I agree with Galtung and Ruge's news values and agree with them, Each story could have had at least 3/4 of the values showing that they are true. I found it difficult to workout what stories did not have any of the values included. I can see why people do not agree and say that the news values are common sense because yes of course a story is going to be in the news because a elite person/persons are featured but then the question is asked what is an elite person? what makes you more elite than I? the same goes for nations, what makes UK more elite than Siberia? the answer is nothing, it is down to the station and their choice. Does this make the news bias? maybe we may not ever know.

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