Wednesday 13 March 2013

Planning Poster

Ideas Generation

To generate our ideas we started with a notepad that we wrote down the brands that we wanted to re market. Then we took them and worked out how we could re market them to a new audience. After we decided on a brand and a target audience PG Tips to teenagers. We then mind mapped out what we would need to cover and the result is the image above. We wanted to show tea as a cool thing to drink instead of an old persons drink.

Initial Plans And Proposals

Our idea was going from being between doing Ben and Jerrys and Radox. We decided however on doing PG Tips through some random idea that someone came up with on the spot when we were talking about re branding. We then thought about shots and what shots to do tailored around our idea. Proposed doing dynamic shots sticking mainly to close ups and medium shots to create an emotional connection. We realize our competition needed to be identified and we discovered our main competition was Twinnings and Tetley and we looked are their product and advertisement methods and we tailored our advert to it. We identified that no television adverts for tea did not have a young target range so we wanted to fill that space.

Identification Of Overt/Hidden Message

We decided to have a hidden message by using the extreme end of each age spectrum's, elderly woman and teens. The hidden message will be that drinking tea will make your grandson/daughter be more mature and be proper mannered, Just by drinking PG Tips this in turn will keep the old target audience of older people because they want their child to be smarter and more mannered and also reels in a new market for teens that may want to be more well mannered. Our overt message was that drinking PG Tips makes you cool and hip while not drinking it makes you lame and not as cool as if you did.


Our content is aimed to reach a brand new audience for cups of a tea and specifically PG Tips. Making short ads instead of one big ad would be the idea. The use of colour creates a brand identity. We wanted our content to be ethically and socially friendly trying not to stereotype certain groups especially with ours didn't want to stereotype elderly people or young teens. Of course we didn't want to offend by also legally through Ofcom we didn't want to break the law.


Keeping it bright and friendly on the eyes gives off a friendly feel and that is what we want to with our product. We wanted to use comedy because comedy is a great way to sell because it is memorable and lets the product stay in your head.


  1. Ben,

    Well done for covering everything that you need to here but just look over it again and note how short and lacking in detail it is! You have only listed one brand for competition for example and you don't even get the name wholly right.

    I have awarded P2 for this task but I am sure that you can elaborate on the points made to aim for M2 and above.

    Add specific details such as what the legal and ethical issues could be (refer to ASA/Ofcom) and also make sure that you state what your overt message is... it's cool to drink tea/you don't have to be an old fart to enjoy tea!


  2. No changes made - very disappointing.

