Wednesday 13 March 2013

TV Advertisement Evaluation

TV Advertisement Evaluation

The Brief

Our brief was to re market a Unilever product by creating a advert. We were placed into groups and we had to decide on a product by comparing ideas from all of us.  We settled on a idea and the product which was PG Tips. We chose PG Tips and we came about this choice because of common interests in remarking it to a teenage audience because older people already drink tea. The current target audience is many people but mainly a older audience. We wanted tea in general to appeal to a younger audience because that is the smaller market for tea so expanding that would increase profits. We wanted the PG Tips name to not be associated with the monkey and Johnny Vegas. Our adverts would be a series of smaller ads showing PG Tips making the world a better place when people drink tea. The current audience was all ages but mainly not teenagers 15 plus. So because this market is small in PG Tips we want to appeal to them.

After we made the finished product we had to collect feedback. Getting comments from others especially the target audience was important. We did a on line survey aimed towards the target audience asking them questions after they have watched the advert. We also did in house feedback in which we played the video to a group of media producers asking for constructive criticisms which proved successful. Making the video appropriate to the audience and getting the primary message across to the right audience which we worked on in the pre-production part of our produce line. The advert was meant to have a strong impact on humour. Making the video funny appeals to the target audience as shown by our results we see that the target audience like to see humour in adds

Technically and aesthetically of our advert was important carefully planning each shot like clockwork was vital to a successful advert. Our mise-en-scenes was good, we had the location but we did not have the costumes that fit the characters portrayed. Even a slight thing like a tie. Our editing and cuts between shots flowed well without continuity errors Barr one. Sound was okay but the dialogue was dubbed over in post due to the sound quality being to low in the shot. I believe the advert was effective with the content we provided and sells the product to the teen market with humour. So the from our results we can say that the advert persuaded the target audience that tea can be "cool" and appeal to a young audience

The message we wanted to send the the target audience was that PG Tips makes the world a better place and is cool among young audiences. The message was clear through the tag line and content of the advert. To make PG Tips appeal to a young audience we used young actors and clothes, this did affect the mise-en-scene but it made it more appealing making the add more colloquial. Through common looks and language we tried to bring this message forward. Overall I feel the final add did fit the purpose and the goal we set out to achieve. It looks semi professional but the mise en scene could have been improved with little things such as a tie. The camera angles fit the mood and feel of the add with decent dialogue although the part that was dubbed wasn't very good and I would revisit if we had to re do it.

The final advert compared to our original idea was overall the same minus the quantity of the adverts. Original idea was to have many mini adverts lasting ten seconds each. But in the end we realised that one ad would be 30 seconds long so we decided on just the one. We picked the police advert out of our potential three.
  1. Police Interrogation
  2. Old lady making a few students good.
  3. Robber drinking tea.
We decided not to do a Old lady making some students good because of not having the actors on standby and getting a elderly lady to actor in our production would be a struggle and not efficient. The robber drinking the tea also had problems when deciding whether on actors or a set to film. The police interrogation planned out the best option to make. Because it was the advert idea that we could definitely pull off and make it convincing with our locations. Reflecting on our pre-production paper work and comparing that with the final product we found that the storyboard reflected our finish product minor a few camera movements. Our shot list did a good job of representing the piece but we did leave a few shots out that we definitely need to revisit how many shots we plan and follow up with. Overall I am satisfied on how my advert turned out minus a few issues. The quality and the camera shots and angles I am happy with. a few problems I found that I would improve on a re shoot and to conclude my self evaluation is the dubbed voice over and one shot were the lighting is off.

Impact Of Our Work

Our work has made an impact on the target audience and to prove this we did a questionaire asking if our advert persuaded them to buy PG Tips and the results are here.

As you can see 80% of 15-24 year old said that the advert appealed to them over before when only 44% would have PG Tips so an improvement is clear and our advert was effective. After sending out an survey asking what genre PG Tips is we got the majority saying that PG Tips was a comedic genre aimed at older people so we wanted to turn this around to make PG Tips a young persons comedy advert and we achieved this as can be seen from this chart.

Our original survey show us that PG Tips needed to revamped they said it needed something new that would bring in new consumers, to quote directly they said. "PG Tips is funny but needs something else to make it appeal to a younger audience" Which in turn was music to our ears because that is what we wanted to do with the PG Tips brand. So making the PG Tips advert lighter was at the top of the agenda for us. We wanted our advert to follow AIDA; Attention, Interest,Desire and Action. And it did we had the attention from the power of the delivery of the advert. The interest was shown through the actual content of the advert, having a intense scene, The desire was from the outcome of drinking the PG Tips and what would happen if you did drink PG Tip the good things would happen and the Action was shown at the end in the "act before its too late" feel.

In pre-production we did a lot of paperwork, we sent a lot of surveys out and shot listed thoroughly this did hinder us later on through human mistake which involved losing the original shot list but recommended this from memory. After we fixed it did assist us heavyly in shooting of the advert.



  1. Ben,

    Did you use the sheet for this? Some of it is very brief and it all seems a little rushed..?

    Print another copy/find your copy of the evaluation guidance sheet and check to see that you have covered each term and that you have differentiated between some of the terms that are a bit similar.

    In order to meet grading criteria you must discuss the following:
    - The Impact of you work (do you think/do you have evidence to show that your audience have been affected/persuaded by your advert?)
    - Effectiveness of content (is the humor/dialogue appropriate? Didn't people say that the scenario was making light of a serious matter?)
    - Effectiveness of techniques/persuasion (Did it follow AIDA? What did you do to try to persuade audiences?)
    - Documentation (reflect on your pre-production work and how it helped/hindered your advert)

    In order to improve on other sections you must elaborate on:
    - comments from others: who did you ask exactly?Then, mention tutor feedback and specify what peers/respondents and the tutors said (quote it)
    - how you made the advert appropriate to your audience - be specific
    - technical and aesthetic qualities (what exactly could you have done better and also, what exactly did you specifically like about your advert?
    - in fitness for purpose you must talk about BCAP/ASA/Ofcom and say how you would risk getting complaints due to the content of your ad
    - the self evaluation (what went well? What didn't go well? What would you do differently if you were to do it again? etc.)

    Make the above changes to meet GC4.

  2. No changes made - very disappointing.

