Wednesday 24 April 2013



Our group is going to make a 'Performative Documentary' on a day in the life of a YouTube vlogger. We will set out to find a known vlogger and will organize an interview with him/her, asking questions of what it is like being a vlogger and why he/she sets out to expose their life to the world. Our group will take footage of the vlogger producing a video and the audio track from the interview will play over the footage to connote that the vlogger is speaking what he/she thinks, whilst making their vlog. Being a performative documentary, it will consist of a series of cutaways to give the documentary a sense of feel. Some issues may arise from this documentary:

  • Legal Issues: YouTube logo may be used.
  • Technical Issues: Rushing Graphics and Editing will occur.
The primary target audience for this documentary is people who use YouTube and essentially, Vloggers. The secondary target audience could be media individuals. With the development in technology, most people can access professional equipment and software for a small budgets.                                                                                                                  

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