Monday 29 April 2013

Production Diary Documentary Unit - The Red Dot

22nd April 2013

Today we were placed into groups are began a brainstorm on the general idea. I was placed with Jack, Ollie and we all had a set plan to do a documentary about something media related.

23rd April 2013

Today we decided on the idea and it was generated through our love for the site YouTube and specifically VLogging

29th April 2013

After heading out to film some stock footage at a Norwich Meetup for when we talk about community. We imported the footage and also worked on a title text. We sorted the footage to parts in which we will need to use.

30th April 2013

Today we went out to interview me for the documentary. We also collected stock footage of the screen to be used if need be.

6-8th May 2013

We have begun importing footage onto our macs encountering a few issues with the importation of the footage. We are using corrective action to attempt to correct but is struggling but we are planning to change mac or location of editing.

10th-15th May 2013

we began editing and finished a rough draft of our 3 min wonder.


17th May 2013

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