Saturday 21 September 2013

The History Of Animation PT3

History of Animation PT3

Television Program

For my television program I have decided to choose Pingu. Pingu is a claymation childrens television show and began being produced in 1986 and ended in the year 2006.

 Doing around four seasons of short animations about a penguin and his family and the events that unfold. It is stop motion animation and it done flawlessly. The target audience was children. It is universally loved because it has captured the hearts of children since 1986 to modern day and hasn't change at all.

 It is aimed at a childrens audience but can be enjoyed but all as there is no language barriers making it universal.


For my film I have chosen, "Mighty Joe Young (1998)"  an over sized gorilla and the situation that occurs when other humans.

It was directed by Ron Underwood. And under performed at box office with a budget of $90 million dollars and only making $50,632,037 back.

The gorilla is fully animated with stop motion. It is a example of stop motion and claymation coming together as one.

It was made for a more adult audience and it an example of a dramatic tale with the use of stop motion.

Television Advert

for me television advert I have chosen the RAC summer advert. The reason behind my choice is the Pixar-like way of making your average tools like; wrench,spanners etc and how like appear to have personalities, also how beautifully animated it is. It is seamless.

Pixar did something similar with there lamp getting a human like personality. It is aimed at all, primarily the road users but due to the bright colours it appeals to all eyes. It is live action stop motion animation and it is done beautifully.

Music Video

For my music video I have chosen Her Morning Elegancs by Oren Lavie.

The video is charming and lovely about a girl waking up and sleeping again and having dreams. I have not heard of it before doing this blog post and I am glad I have seen it.

It is an example of live action stop motion animation and is charming in its delivery. It is aimed at fans of both the artist and fans of stop motion animation. 

Channel Ident

For my channel ident I have chosen an E4 one.

E4 make a lot of stop motion idents to throw in between programs. This one is awesome because it uses a real actor. This isn't E4 official however. None of them are.

They produce a competition each year to which the general public is asked to produce a ten second ident for E4.

the majority of the time they are stop motion animation but this can be claymation, live action etc.

This example of a live action stop motion animation and is aimed at all real audiences and has no real target audience.


Who Is Stop Motion Aimed At?

Stop motion can be aimed at anyone. I don't believe stop motion can be aimed at just one genre of people.

Young children who only understand the slapstick side to it and the older generation who can understand deep dialogue and character development.

 Stop motion can be appreciate by anyone because its a art, if someone doesn't like stop motion at least they respect how long and how much time is involved in making five seconds.

I used not fully appreciate stop motion, but after doing my own ten second clip that took two weeks to shoot. I can respect the art and the amount of work that goes into a short segment.

The Future Of Stop Motion?

I sadly think as computer generated films take over stop motion will become a novel medium over art. As tech develops.

I believe that computers will keep advancing and we will not need stop motion because it can be done for us. Which is both sad and good. We get the advantage of making our lifes easier but then we don't witness the magic of the stop motion classics such as Wallace an Gromit.

I thinking the practical stop motion animation will become a novel art that will rarely been seen by the public eye and only be people who truly wish to follow the art.


  1. Ben,

    This is nice but very brief and lacking in detail. To improve:
    - say what type of animation each text is
    - say why you think that type of animation is used
    - say who you think the target audience is for each of the texts and state why too
    - the two last paragraphs are rushed - develop them please and give examples there too.

    Good start,

  2. Ben,

    For history of animation posts 1, 2 & 3, I have awarded P1 (but it is very close to a merit already).

