Wednesday 4 December 2013

Research and Planning - Responding to the Brief

My E Sting I Comparison To The Brief

The brief was;

The brief was to create an E4 E Sting to a high enough standard that it can be shown on the E4 channel.

How does my E Sting fit the brief 

1. I effectively planned an stop motion E4 E Sting from the brief given to me. I took the copyright issues into account and only used soundtrack provided by E4 and uncopyrighted sound effects.

2. I uploaded my completed E Sting to YouTube and other social media websites and created a survey to gain feedback whilst hitting the deadline set.

3. I screened my finished E Sting to my peers and family and posted it on social media sites for optimum feedback.

Did I have to change my idea to fit the brief?

The original idea was practically along the same lines as the final E Sting I produced. My original idea was the same but instead of toys it would be the stationary on a desk to create the logo. The brief didn't effect the change. The change came through the idea that kids toys are more relatable than stationary on an office desk. Because the kids toys will resonate with E4's target audience.

Legal or health and safety issues when planning?

Our E Sting idea had little health and safety and legal ones. Our content was toys so we prepared in case we used any product that had copyright infringed upon it. For example the train we used is from "Thomas The Tank Engine" which therefore means we could have breached their copyright laws but we didn't; the concern and preparation in case was still there.

So we kept to the brief in not breaching it.

The team?

Our team on this project was just two. Myself and Kieran. We made sure that communication was the top priority in our production. We had to make sure we had filming days in advance to avoid unnecessary stress among the group. 

We also made sure that we communicated the ideas thoroughly and explained them well so when the shoot came along we were prepared and knew exactly what we were doing to save time.

Whens the deadlines?

The E4 deadline was a few months to when our deadline for our own ESting for grading was. We had around two weeks to finish the ESting on our grading brief. As for the actual ESting we had around three months.

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